Sunday, 6 October 2019

Feedback Thoughts


While reading these articles, I related to them a lot as I criticize myself,my work or ideas a lot and never feel confident in sharing anything I come up with because I instantly assume that its not good enough or not as good as someone else's.
The first article states to focus more on the positives of feedback rather than the negatives. Whenever getting feedback on something, you could get loads of positive things said about it but the one negative is what always sticks and puts you down. This article tells you to seek for the positives, take it in, understand it and believe that you did well in whatever it is you are doing. Rather than putting yourself down or minimizing what you did well, you embrace it and believe the good things that have been said about your work/ideas/etc. are true.
The second article gives 7 steps to follow to help overcome self-doubt. I really liked this article, it tells you to stop comparing yourself to others and seeing them as competition,to avoid trying to be "perfect",not to be afraid to be yourself, accept mistakes and failure as a part of the journey to improvement and to have faith in yourself and what you do.
I feel like its always easier said than done but taking some of the tips given in these articles and trying to follow them a little everyday, you'll eventually overcome self-doubt and stop seeing feedback as a bad thing.

The 2 articles I read were:
Silence the critical voices in your head
Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt

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