Thursday, 27 February 2020

Unity Tutorial 05

For this week's Unity tutorials, I finished up last week's prototype and completed a challenge where I play fetch with a dog by spawning random balls and making the dog catch them.

(Image of my Unity)

The first tutorial this week was just the last tutorial for Lesson 2. In this, I learned how to spawn random objects with a timer rather than having to press a button all the time, I learned a little more about colliders, how go destroy objects when they collide and how to trigger a "game over" message for myself. As always, the tutorial was straightforward and I had very little to no problems with Unity.

(Image of my Unity)

For the second part of this week's Unity, it was a challenge and instead of following along to tutorials, I had to figure out how to make things work myself. There were some hints to help but I still got a little confused. The past tutorials did help because I had a better idea of where to look and what to do. I struggled and not everything works like it should but I got most of it to work I think.

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Unity Tutorial 04

(Image of my Unity)

In this week's Unity tutorials, I learned basic gameplay by making a "Feed the Animals" prototype. It was really easy to follow along as the tutorials go through everything clearly and step-by-step. I learned a lot and had a lot of fun making the prototype.

I learned a lot of new things in this tutorial using code. I learned how to move the character side-to-side, set boundaries for the character's movements, how to clone and spawn objects/projectiles by pressing keys, how to make objects disappear instead of going off into the distance forever, how to change the location of where objects are spawned and a few other things. They were all fun to learn how to do and to play around with.

Overall, it was really fun messing around in the game and the tutorial was easy to do. I didn't have as many difficulties with this one as I did with Unity Tutorial 02, I'd make small mistakes here and there but they were easy to spot and change so that was fine.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Reading 3

(Image of Researching)

This week I focused on researching the topics I've chosen. For this I also had to complete a Matrix which I think is basically like a summary of the sources you plan to use. It was very confusing on how you fill it out but hopefully I did it right.

While researching, I found many articles that seemed useful for my topics. Some of the things I found and learnt about my topics:

5 Domains of play:
As mentioned before, this topic focuses on the relation between "The Big 5", which are the main 5 personality traits players can have, and how those personalities determine what type of games/game domains they might enjoy. "The Big 5" relates more to psychology but it was translated and used for research for game development to find "The 5 Domains of Play". The traits are;Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism (O.C.E.A.N). The 5 domains consist of; Novelty, Challenge, Stimulation, Harmony and Threat.
For this topic, some of the sources I found that seemed like they would be helpful for my research are:

Demographics of Players(Types of Players):
This topic focuses more on statistics and the different types of players found in games. Demographics can relate to a number of things such as age,gender,occupation,education level,etc. of a person but for games I think it mainly focuses on age and gender. This is about how those factors affect the players enjoyment of games, their motivations to play, preferences and how the overall gaming experience is for them. Along with this, this topic also will talk about the different types of players found in games. There are 4 main types: Achievers, Explorers, Socialisers and Killers.
For this topic, some of the sources I found that seemed like they would be helpful for my research are:

Unity Tutorial 02

(Image of Unity)

This semester we were given the option of picking between developing projects with code and trying VR in unity. I decided to go with the 1st option of creating with code. Instead of watching and following along with Jimmy Vegas, I was following Unity's official tutorials.

These tutorials were very simple and went over things step by step in very short videos making it really easy to follow along. There was also a short summary written under the video which explained what to do incase you didn't want to watch the full thing.
Jimmy Vegas also did a good job at explaining but I felt like his tutorials were very long and slow compared to these Unity ones.

I learnt some cool new basic tricks that I didn't know before and just overall felt like I learnt a lot more from these tutorials than the Jimmy Vegas ones. I made a vehicle
collide into obstacles using code which was really cool. While doing these tutorials, I did struggle sometimes but eventually got everything to work.

Reading 2

(Image of planning)

For the book we are writing, I chose to write Chapter 4: Understanding the Player; 5 domains of play and demographics of players(types of players). The 5 domains of play focuses on the connection between "The Big 5" personality groups and the different types of games they most enjoy based off their personalities. Demographics of players(types of players) focuses on all the types of different players.

When planning my approach, I took my 2 topics and broke them down into some questions that I could focus my research on. These are just some of the questions:
  • "What are the 5 domains of play"
  • "How "The Big 5" personality groups correlate to game type and enjoyment"
  • "What are the different types of players/characteristics of the different types of players"
  • "How do the different types of players interact with one another"
I also highlighted some keywords that would help with my research. Some of them are "domains" and "play" for the 1st topic and "demographics", "player" and "types" for the 2nd. I tried to find other keywords associated with the ones I already had to further help me.

From what I have looked up so far, a good few articles have come up for both topics so the next step is to properly research and go through all those articles to complete my Matrix to see what is relevant and what isn't. This will then help me when I am in the writing process of the book.